I have no witty title, it's just an update.

 Hello and here is an update. It includes both photos and words because I am a multitasker.

I have now been in Cochabamba for two weeks and it feels more like two months or maybe two years. The apartment search has begun with a trip to the most beautiful apartment ever, which was unfortunately located in a building for older people, who were worried we were going to party it up with crying babies in the middle of the night, which may or may not be a legitimate worry. So prayers for apartment search would be much appreciated.

Now, onto the past week(ish) since the fun hospital stays with #sickbaby.

Here is the original #sickbaby, who has been missing from photos but definitely not missing from my life. He is doing awesome, working out with a physio, and has a family. He should be leaving next Monday to leave with the best family for him, he (and they) really hit the jackpot, and I am so excited to see it - even if I will miss that little face greeting me every time I go to see the babies.

Saturday mornings have now officially been set aside for eating cinnamon rolls that Rudi (boohersinbolivia.blogspot.com) makes weekly and sells in a local Brazilian(?) market. They are amazing.

The above photos shows 4 guys in their 20's who took it upon themselves to walk around dressed as vegetables and tell us how important it was that we ate vegetables. They didn't seem to be with any organisation, just a public service maybe? No idea.

Bolivia, you so weird.

Onto Sunday, and Gina, Amber, Kirstin and I decided to be cray and take 7 kids to church with us, here is a collection of the outing where we neither lost nor killed any kids at all. #winning
E. looking like butter wouldn't melt.

5 kids in the boot. 1 looking at (or near) the camera. Standard.

Our fave facial expression. Sorry, not sorry.

Belen (our church) is so into kids, and it's a big part of why we like it, and a lot of why the kids do!

Bag with a strap for Baby D = Best. Idea. Ever.
Letting E. control it = much less so.

D. wearing an outfit made for children half his age. He's so little. 

Ah, those eyes. Baby JD.

This monster hung out with me the rest of the day, we watched movies and cuddled and he wrecked the place. #lazysunday

Someone else really likes the spherical lip balm I got in the States. #mileycyrus

New feature at KM11 Quillacollo.

T - less than a month til I start work here. #firstyearteaching

The original #sickbaby gave me his nasty chest illness (at least I'm blaming him) and I'm on all of the drugs.

Someone sent me a list to take to the pharmacy.

If I die, she is to blame.

My (very mature) bedding. Again, sorry, not sorry.
In related news, E. is convinced that Paddington is a monkey.

Tia Hannah is back! Now the apartment hunting can begin for reals.

Also under the "weird Bolivia" heading - one of many drive through liquor stores.
I have more photos, but I'll leave them for the next time, or check out cochabambaplogging.tumblr.com where they go up in real(ish) time.


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