a whole lot of maybes.

I'm reading a book at the minute.
He's a doubter, at least that's how he comes across to me.
Like he's not 100% sure of anything.
So, in many ways, I think we're similar.

His book is teaching me something that I've been learning for years.
Something which I knew, or believed, but was too scared to admit.

I don't think it's a deal breaker if we disagree on some God stuff.

I'm learning this from him.
I'm learning it from podcasts on the essentials and non-essentials of faith.
I'm learning as I attend churches that aren’t quite like my home church.
As I make friends who aren't quite like me.
Who don't quite have a faith quite like mine.
But at the end of the day, I'm learning it from Him.

That, just because someone thinks infant baptism is the right choice, it doesn't mean their faith is invalid.
Just because they don't believe God has predestined some to be saved, and some to not.
Just because they do.
Or because they wear a veil over their head to pray.
Or because they are more careful about what they listen to.

Sometimes, I think that God is just so big, and so aware of our complete inability to comprehend Him, but our determination to do so, that maybe He reveals Himself, different parts of His character, to different people. And so, maybe we're all just understanding a little something. And maybe we don't know who's got it right. Maybe it's no one. Maybe it's everyone. Maybe it's a little like all those blind men feeling the elephant.

I don't know. I know so little, except that I want to know Him more. I know I love Him, and He loves me. I know He came down, fully God and fully man. I know He died. I know He's not dead now. I know He's coming back.

Maybe, that can be enough? As long as we have the essentials, if we really, truly know Him, and are His, if we've accepted what He did on the cross, maybe we can not agree on everything, but respect each other, and focus on what we agree on, rather than the opposite.

After all, we all see through a glass dimly, or something like that.


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