#christmasincochabamba (Part 1)

It's Boxing Day.
I am doing no things because that is, I believe, why the Lord created Boxing Day.
However, since I can do it while sitting on the sofa under a blanket, I will write a Christmas update.

Chapter 1: Carachi Christmas Project

Each year, Carachipampa does a Christmas project in the community, and this year they each took a child from Casa de Amor and raised money for their school supplies and uniform. (It's still in progress, so expect many more photos...) The classes wanted to meet their kids, and the feeling was very much mutual.

Chapter 2: Carachi Christmas Program

This was only last week but it feels like a year ago.
The kids did a play called "The First Leon".

My Kinder class got to be the nativity.
This brought on a number of amusing stories, which are hinted at in the above photos.

Amusing Story #1
When informing the father of "Joseph" who his son had been casted as, he said, "so, as in Joseph in a tunic, or as a Pharaoh?" He then looked at the Christmas practice going on ahead of us, laughed and said, "Oh, that Joseph..."

Amusing Story #2
When we were deciding on who would be who for the Nativity, I asked one of my Kinderers if he wanted to be a Wiseman or a Shepherd. He announced, "a rooster", and as you can see - he was indeed a rooster.

Amusing Story #3
You may have noticed another animal not often seen in the nativity, which I can also explain. All week I had been told, "I'm coming as a chicken, I'm going to be a chicken..." Except, on the night, he arrived and said, "My chicken costume doesn't fit, but don't worry, my mum is bringing my elephant one."

And when these things happen, you just nod and move on. And I mean, look how cute they are!

Chapter 3: Nativity at Comunidad Cristiana Belén

We love our church. We talk about it a LOT.

Since the babies moved in with the girls there's been a lot more continuity with who gets to come to church with us, and it's been great, because they get a lot more ownership over it. So this year, they were all in the nativity, and actually knew what they were doing. E. got to be a star, and our three littles were supposed to give their hearts to baby Jesus, however Leo decided he didn't want to. The big girls just got to sing, but it was equally adorable. (Well, maybe not quite equally, but it was very cute!)

More chapters to come, lets call this part 1...


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