5th Graders are funny.

In a strange turn of events, I ended up teaching "Language Arts" to 5th Grade.

When I was first told this I neither knew the age of 5th grade, nor what in goodness' name "Language Arts" was.
(Turns out it's just English, and the Americans give everything weird names.)

I am also teaching Kinder, who are pretty adorable themselves, if not completely EXHAUSTING.
(I'm saying they're 90% to blame for the fact that I fell asleep on the bus home from work today.)

So, fifth graders are funny.

We read a story about a girl (called Bolivia, weirdly) who moved into a neighbourhood and kept talking to these two boys about her little sister, Lucette. Turned out she was a bird, which most worked out when they talked about her escaping out a window and ending up up a tree. One boy, however, took just a little longer.

Me (reading): "Lucette likes to walk up and down my arm and then fly round and round the room."

S: "What?! Miss, babies can't fly. This doesn't make any sense."

Rest of class: "It's a bird!"

There are other stories, but children exhaust me and I can't remember them right now - I will begin writing them down in my phone and I'll fill you in.

Wait excitedly by your computer/tablet/phone/other device.


  1. Ha ha!
    Yes we give everything weird names, like social studies which i've always known as being, history, geography, etc....
    Did you sleep past your getting off place? now that would be funny.
    Glad you're enjoying fifth grade! I thought you would hate it....or at least dislike it...
    Thanks for the laugh!


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