Who the flip are NICS?

I am in the States, in Mississippi, for pre-field orientation, or PFO if you prefer. I'm now into day three, but as I just received a third message asking if I was in the States, and why, I thought I should probably do an update.

My sending agency is the Network of International Christian Schools, or NICS. They're based in Southaven, Mississippi, which is like 20 minutes from Memphis, Tennessee (where this guy is from - #babe). Each year they run PFO for their teachers who are going out to the field to serve in one of their 19 schools. You can find out more about NICS here - the video is long, but I heard the story yesterday and it's totally worth a listen!

PFO is basically a lot of lectures, broken up by a lot of food, and some sport (not for me, obvs). It's been really great so far, to be honest, way more useful than I was expecting because I am a cynic by nature. We've done some self-awareness stuff, a lot of personality tests and stuff, which have only confirmed that I am all the things I thought I was - loud, talk too much - plus some other stuff! We've also done a load of stuff on working as a team, and on Third Culture Kids, which has been super interesting! Also got to meet the people who'll be heading down to Cochabamba, they're great.

We're off for the afternoon, which is lovely because jet lag. I cannot go outside for fear of going up in flames because Mississippi, you are just so flipping hot. There are actual real people here wearing cowboy hats, apparently that's an actual thing and not just something you dress up as when you're little. The whole thing is being held in an American high school so I switch between feeling like I'm in One Tree Hill and feeling like I'm in High School Musical. (TV prepared me so well to meet actual Americans, I'm telling you right now.)

Other than that - there's a Chick-Fil-A nearby and I'm concocting a plan to go and eat there at some point because it's yummy and we don't have it. I want to play basketball, but I'm afraid when I touch the basketball I'll suddenly remember I have absolutely zero sporting ability, aim, or strength in my arms. People here either think I have no accent, or can't understand what I'm saying, there is no middle ground.

So yes, all in all - plenty of fun.

Also I have taken no photos, and I am sorry.


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