5th Graders are funny.
In a strange turn of events, I ended up teaching "Language Arts" to 5th Grade. When I was first told this I neither knew the age of 5th grade, nor what in goodness' name "Language Arts" was. (Turns out it's just English, and the Americans give everything weird names.) I am also teaching Kinder, who are pretty adorable themselves, if not completely EXHAUSTING. (I'm saying they're 90% to blame for the fact that I fell asleep on the bus home from work today.) So, fifth graders are funny. We read a story about a girl (called Bolivia, weirdly) who moved into a neighbourhood and kept talking to these two boys about her little sister, Lucette. Turned out she was a bird, which most worked out when they talked about her escaping out a window and ending up up a tree. One boy, however, took just a little longer. Me (reading): "Lucette likes to walk up and down my arm and then fly round and round the room." S: "What?! Miss, babies ca...