Goodbyes Suck.

So, less than two weeks after saying goodbye to Northern Ireland, to my parents, Dan, the dog, all the rest of you, I'm saying goodbye again.

PFO, pre-field orientation.

A cynic by nature I was dubious of how useful it would be.
I could've stayed at home for longer - my goodbyes could've waited an extra month.
PFO was just going to be going over stuff we already knew, or the really boring stuff, like all that fun orientation you do for every other job.

I was so very wrong, and I am incredibly thankful.

Lucky charms for breakfast, always good.
What in goodness name is this? That is not a biscuit.
Why have I spent so much time in Memphis and still not seen Justin Timberlake?
Baseball is rounders, and there is a reason we don't play it professionally.
I thought Tesco was big, in what universe could you ever have a need for a Walmart this gigantic?!
Chick-fil-A is amazing. Send it to the UK, or better yet, Bolivia.
You appear to be driving on the wrong side of the road, please be careful.
Pork rinds, tater tots and fried okra - seriously, even an Ulster Fry is healthier than this.
(They also all taste horrific, not worth the calories.)

Oh, 'Murica. You so cray.

Seriously though, I have learnt so much this week.

About myself, about my culture, about the US culture, about how Jesus transcends culture (and it's a good thing He does). About those kids who don't connect with any culture completely, about my "dominant influencing" personality (don't all disagree at once there...). I've thought about spiritual warfare, about God's steadfast love, about showing that love to the kids in school. I've done classes on English Language Learning and on moral purity, really the whole spectrum.

A little extra time at home would have been amazing, but it would've been just as hard to leave. That goodbye was always going to come. But now, after PFO, I feel 10 times more prepared to go out there and teach my little Kinderers, and throw down some Special Needs knowledge, and hopefully, with a little Help, be a good role model, and a good addition to Carachipampa.

PFO, it's been great, and goodbyes suck.


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