All the things I didn't know.

I took this photo early this year, but I've loved that bridge for far longer. Those blue letters spell out, “I love you Cochabamba”, and as I've gone past them during the past two and a half years, I've smiled as I've read them, because I do. I wrote about the bridge and its message just after I arrived here in September 2014, remembering all the ways that God placed Cochabamba in my heart before I even set foot here. Now, two and a half years later, I find it hard to believe all the things I didn’t know, couldn't have imagined, back then. I didn’t know that Bolivia would nestle so deeply in my heart. I didn’t know that it would feel every bit as much home as Northern Ireland does. I didn’t know that I would miss Northern Ireland as much as I do. I didn’t know Bolivia was landlocked. I didn’t know how much I would miss being able to walk on the beach. I didn’t know that through the hard times and the good, friends would become fa...